Letters: Boebert’s “pimp cane” comment about Rep. Green was racist. She should resign.

Boebert’s comment about Rep. Green was racist

Rep. Lauren Boebert, this last week, accused Rep. Al Green of “shak[ing] his pimp cane” at President Donald Trump during the joint meeting of Congress on March 4. Rep. Green is Black.

Boebert is a racist. She is an embarrassment to her district and to all Coloradans. She should resign her seat in Congress immediately.

Barry Roseman, Denver

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert under fire for “racist and derogatory” comment about Black congressman

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An official language can be uniting

Re: “America doesn’t need Trump to tell us what the official language is,” March 7 commentary

Carlos Lozada’s opinion on English as the official language has two themes that completely defy reality. His claim that the administration is telling us that the “newcomers” are dangerous is a fabric of his imagination. They have consistently stated that only a small number are criminally dangerous. But small numbers can create havoc.

His virtue-signaling by calling them “newcomers” places all emigrants in the same basket. I would like him to explain why those who came illegally should have the same benefits as those who followed the rules to enter the country. Entry to the United States is not an entitlement.

Then there is the language issue. My wife and I are both native Spanish speakers. I speak from experience. Designating English as the official language in no way erodes multiculturalism. If this were true, why would Mexico and every country in Central America, South America, and Spain designate Spanish as their official language? Mexico has other languages like Maya. Peru’s native Indians still speak Quechua. Spain has Basque spoken in the North. My great-uncle Luis was born in Spain, immigrated to Puerto Rico in the 1930s, and spoke Catalan and Spanish. Those countries also celebrate multiculturalism, as I personally witnessed in Peru a few weeks back and in Spain last year.

An official language, like the nation’s seal or flag, is what unites a nation. As Spain and every nation south of our border have already decided for themselves, it’s about time we have an official language.

José M. López, Centennial

Musk has no standing to call Kelly a traitor

Re: “Musk eyeing Social Security, benefits for cuts fraud claims,” March 11 news story

So our wannabe fascist Elon Musk has the gall to label Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona a traitor to the United States. A traitor? Sen. Kelly flew 39 dangerous combat missions as a fighter pilot during the Gulf War, receiving a host of commendations, including two Distinguished Flying Crosses. His service to the country continued, eventually logging over 5,000 hours as a U.S. naval aviator and test pilot. His dedicated service to our country continued as an astronaut on four separate space shuttle missions before his retirement.

And billionaire Musk? As a young man in South Africa, Musk obtained a Canadian passport and has said he did so to avoid military service in South Africa (think draft dodger), and then he ran off to Canada and the United States to make as much personal wealth for himself as possible. Along that greedy path, he has been sued by the US Securities and Exchange Commission three separate times. There is no way a coward like Musk is in a position to accuse Sen. Kelly of being a traitor. All Musk needs is a mirror to see one.

Ed Talbot, Arvada

Without making cuts, is bankruptcy an option?

Re: “Unreleased memo: National parks had a record 2024,” March 7 news story

I got a laugh out of the picture of protesters with the “Yellowstone Is Not For Sale” banner attached to the article on record attendance at national parks.”

$36,000,000,000,000 is a lot of scratch for the government to pay off. That is 36,000,000 times 1 million, and more than $200,000 per taxpayer, by the way.

If DOGE is enjoined from cutting federal spending, bankruptcy will be inevitable. In a typical private sector bankruptcy sale, all assets are sold for whatever the market will bear.

That would include the parks. I cringe at the thought of Disney or some hedge fund operating woke amusements and rides at Old Faithful.

Jonathan Williams, Denver

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